Thursday, May 22, 2014

Who is Super Mom?

Confession: This is my first attempt at a blog.

So let's start out with how I became Super Mom.

I started dating my son's father when I was 19. We were together for 3 months before I had gotten pregnant. 9 months later I had my amazing little man, B which forever changed my life. At the time, I was a sophomore in college getting ready for finals and learning this completely new role as Mommy. A month after my son was born, I ended the relationship with my son's father. The day my son turned 2 months old was the last day we saw his father. That's when I became what other's no me as, a young single mother.

At 20, I was a single mom, full time student, and unemployed.

I started working my first job post baby as an independent consultant for a company. It was great! I was able to finally get out the house and interact with adults without having to worry about a crying baby! What a crazy idea!

Unfortunately that was short lived and I again became unemployed.

When my son turned 9 months old, we moved to campus housing so I could finish my Bachelors degree.  I was more alone then ever before. Sure I had my friends around, but they were busy with their own lives.  My time with them usually revolved around the time that they would watch my son for me.

I became depressed and wondered if it was all worth it. All I ever did was go to class, work, and take care of my son. I did nothing for myself which just magnified the stress from all the other parts of my life.

I lived with the growing depression for about a year until I finally decided to do something about it.

On January 1st 2013, I made the New Years resolution to take back my life and body.  I was going to start working out and get back to pregnancy weight.  But it wasn't as productive as I was hoping for. I was losing inches, but not pounds. I didn't understand what was going on.

On July 1st, I took another leap and joined a Beachbody program and signed up to be a coach (official on July 15th =) ).  It was something that I had thought about in the past, but didn't know what would be possible, and if the money put out would be worth it. But I was pleasantly surprised.  I lost 7 pounds in the first two weeks and many inches!

The key: I was taking a look at both fitness AND nutrition.

I never even thought about nutrition before, but once I started looking at it, I started seeing the results that I was missing before.

Now almost a year and 3 Beachbody programs later, I'm down 25 pounds and countless inches! But more then that, I've gained energy, self-confidence, and self-esteem.  I am no longer depressed and instead try and turn everything into a positive situation and if I can't, then it has no place in my life.

As of today I'm a Beachbody Coach, a graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology, an admitted student in a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, and my most important role, Super Mom.

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