Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Stay on Track in a Hectic Life

The biggest reason I get for people not working out and taking care of themselves is that they "don't have time". Ummmm..NEWSFLASH!!  You do have time!  I know that life gets busy, but let's face it. If you don't make time for your health, you're going to eventually be very unhealthy leading you to a life where you aren't going to be ABLE to do the things that are sooooooooo important now.

So here's the question: How do you make time to work out?
Answer: Plan ahead.

Planning your week before it happens will make it easier for you to stick to a healthy lifestyle.  I know that this sounds like a task, but it's really a lot easier then you think.

First: Get yourself a calendar that has time slots.  This will allow you to block off specific times during your day so you know what you should be doing at what time.

Second: Write in all the things that are non-negotiable. These are things like your work hours, the time you spend with your kids, appointments, commuting time, etc.  These things just aren't going to change no matter how much you want to be doing something else during those times. But let's face it, that kid time IS what I want to be doing during that time =)

Third: Note when you want to be sleeping.  This will help you frame how many hour you have to do everything else on your list. But remember, this is just an idea so mark it in pencil.  I know for me, this  time is always changing depending on how many things have to get done during that day.

Fourth:  Schedule a workout time.  You may not see this in the time frame that your currently awake, but that's not a problem.  Those of us who are ready to take that step will FIND the time.  It could be getting up an hour early, going to bed an hour later, or using part of your lunch time in order to do a quick HIIT workout.  I know that the thought of losing precious sleep time sounds horrible, but once you get into a schedule you won't miss the sleep as much. Plus, the workouts will give you more energy and help your sleep to be a deeper sleep - win/win in my book  =)  Also, mark this in PEN.  This time has now become a non-negotiable and a very important time that needs to stay.

Fifth: Set goal days. Where do you want to be in 30, 60, 90, or even 365 days from now?  Writing down specific days to hit the goals makes it easier for you to stay on track.  There is nothing worse the getting to a goal day and realizing you didn't do everything in your power to hit that goal.

NOTE: It may also help to get a dry erase calendar. That way you can mark down important things that are going on each month, the days that you are to be hitting a goal, what workout you are doing that day, and what meals you have in store.  I personally have four calendars so I am always aware of what is supposed to be going on. Each varies in what it tells me, but I have one that is my main calendar and says EVERYTHING.  This is the one that I check before I start each day and throughout the day when I need a little reminder.

Finding time in the crazy life that we live isn't always easy.  But then again, no one ever said that anything worth having is easy.  So, plan ahead and get moving towards those goals!

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