Monday, June 9, 2014

Eating Healthy While Eating Out

Ahhhhhh!!! This weekend was my best friend’s bridal shower AND bachelorette party..all in ONE day! To say the least, eating healthy and staying on track was a pain in the booty.  All the yummy shower foods and then going out for the party was a calorie (and probably chemically) crazy hurdle. BUT I did it. How? I paid suuuuuuuper close attention to what was going into my mouth.  I didn’t want to be that crazy bridesmaid that didn’t eat in hopes of fitting in her dress just right, but I also didn’t want to over do it.  Of course there was splurging that happened, but I did keep some tips in mind.  But for all of you, and for my next traveling adventure in a couple weeks, here’s some tips on staying healthy while eating out.

1.       Drink water.
Drinking water is obviously the best choice for drinks that are usually offered while going out (or staying in) so save your money and go for the free refilled water.  Also, make sure to drink 1-2 glasses before your meal arrives. Sure you may have to pee, but public bathrooms aren’t really that bad…right?? =/

2.       Go over the menu carefully.
Don’t get sucked in by yummy pictures that are usually not all that healthy.  Instead, read the descriptions.  Look for words like: buttered, fried, creamed, au gratin, a la mode, etc.  Sure the ice cream and smothered cheese may sound yummy, but those aren’t always worth the extra burpees.  Instead, go for the food that is steamed, grilled, stir-fried, broiled, or roasted =)

3.       Order a healthy app or a side salad to come before your meal.
A healthy app or side salad (dressing on the side) full of vegetables will help in filling you up before the meal comes so that you don’t over eat and have regret later.

4.       Order the “small” or “medium” size.
Ordering these sizes will make sure your meal is closer to actual portion sizes than the full size meal.

5.       Figure out how much you’re going to eat.
If you don’t have an option for a small or medium or you like to bring home extras, figure out when your meal arrives how much you’re going to eat.  Yes this sounds crazy…what if you end up still being hungry or if you realize the meal is too good to save for later..STOP!  You may still be  little hungry, but just wait a little longer for your head to catch up to your stomach. –It takes 20 minutes for you to register that you’re full– so just pack it up and bring it home.  And if it’s so good that you don’t want to save it, DO IT ANYWAY!  This means you’ll have a healthy meal you already know you love ready for you to eat.  Who doesn’t love convenience??

6.       Dessert please!
Don’t just automatically think you can’t have a dessert. Of course you can!  But, think before you order.  If you want a dessert, make up your mind before your waiter/waitress comes up to your table and says “And would you be interested in a dessert today?”  Fresh fruit is always a great option. But for something a little more fun, get some sorbet instead of the full on ice cream.

With it being summer, we’re all on the go for family vacations, college visits, or just a quick lovers getaway.  Don’t let the tempting billboards take control of your snacking!  Get a little cooler and pack it with your favorite healthy snack choices.  This cuts down on unhealthy choices AND the amount of time you spend sitting at some gas station/fast food joint rather than in the car and getting closer to your destination!

Eating out and on the go don’t have to be a burden on your healthy lifestyle.  It just takes a little planning and some willpower when tempted by the unhealthy choices thrown in our faces.

P.S. If this happens to be a cheat/treat meal, then pick ONE thing you’d like to go all out on instead of going out on everything.

CREDIT: Information was taken from some awesome sources:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Healthy Eating as a Family

Eating healthy as adults can be hard so it may seem impossible to get our children to eat healthy as well.  Guess what??  IT'S NOT!!  When my son first started eating solids, we weren't the healthiest family, by far!  But, now he would rather snack on broccoli and carrots then chocolate and suckers. Why? I changed the way we did things and included him in decision making.

So what kind of things can you do to help change the way your family eats?

1. Grow your own food as a family.

I know that it isn't always possible, but if you can, grow your own fruits and veggies.  It takes some work, but with help from the little ones, it isn't as hard as one may think.  At my house, we don't have great weather that allows for a variety to be planted, but we do have a few staples planted.  This includes tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, and carrots.  It may not be a lot, but it's enough where we won't have to worry about buying the things we love and can enjoy the process of growing our own foods.

Get your kids involved with the whole process.  By allowing them to help, they will feel better about eating the food that they planted, watered, and watched grow.  You can also talk about how important this food is which makes it extra special =)

2. Plan as a family.

Planning your meals ahead of time is another thing that helps a family eat healthy.  Just like your workouts, knowing what is going to be eaten that day takes away the stress of trying to figure everything out right at that moment.  But, just like with planting our own foods, we also need to include the kids on planning meals.

I know the old saying: If you don't like what was made, then you don't get to eat.  What does that really teach our kids though?  That they need to do exactly what they're told or go without?  That seems like the wrong message to be sending.  Instead of telling them what to eat, include them in the planning.  Allow them to pick one day where they decide what's for dinner, or let them pick the snacks they would like to eat for the weekend.  By giving them a say, it will give them a sense of importance within the family, and encourage them to eat the food that is placed in front of them.

3. Shop as a family.

I know the thought of bringing children shopping sounds like torture, but it doesn't need to be.  Once you have your meals planned, you can create a tailored list for just the food you need.  A list helps to get things done quick and will show your kids that organization is important.  And, because kids like to just pick random things and bug to buy snacks, allow them to pick out something from the produce section.  Their very own special snack that they can eat throughout the week.  This satisfies the need to bug for random junk foods and promotes the idea that the best foods are those that come from the produce section rather than the processed aisles.

4. Prep as a family.

Each week pick a day to prep your meals for the week.  Sunday is usually the easiest, but pick what works for your family.  When prepping, cut up your veggies and divide them into snack baggies, cook foods that can then be stored and ready to eat on the day it's planned for, and divide up snacks into baggies that are quick and easy for grab and go.

Kids can be involved in this process to.  If they're old enough, let them cut and divide the veggies and other snacks.  If not, then let them hold them baggies or put in the snacks that are ready.  Also, let them hang around the kitchen while you're cooking.  My son usually grabs a chair and stands by the counter next to the stove.  This let's him feel like he's involved without getting too close or hurt.

5. Cook as a family.

This shouldn't be a surprise based on the rest of what I've already said, but get your kids involved in the cooking of meals.  Whether it's just letting them stand close by and watch, or letting them get their hands dirty, by letting them get involved in the process you are giving them a sense of ownership in the meal.  This will make it more rewarding for them to eat when the time comes.

6. Last but not least, EAT as a family.

I know schedules can get crazy with everyone in the family going in different directions, but try and set up a set meal time.  During the week this could be a certain dinner time that is kept as many days as possible.  On the weekends, you could sit around the table and eat as many meals together as possible.  Eating together not only brings the family together, but also allows you to model healthy eating.  Your children get to see you eating the healthy foods that you all and a hand in putting together and this shows your kids that it's ok to eat them, or at least try them if it's a new food.  And gives you time to talk with your kids and figure out what is going on in their lives if everyone is at the point of being at different places throughout the day..well, if they stay awake long enough to talk =)

The best way to eat healthy as a family, is to go through the whole process as a family.  Don't just think that because you say so, your kids will automatically follow suit.  It just won't happen without some kind of ill feelings being involved.  Allow the kids to be apart of what is going into their body and in developing a sense of what it means to eat healthy.  This will not only help in their childhood, but also as they grow and start making these decisions when you're not around.